Eve Planning Thread Updates to Eve Room, Eve Smoke in 2021

With the flurry of news regarding Eve’s latest announcements for Thread updates to their US smart plug, Eve Aqua, and the EU light switch, you’d be forgiven for thinking the dust had settled on this headline. You’d be wrong! Not long after the bulletins came out on this, Eve was contacted via one user on Twitter regarding other products, and future potential Thread updates, to which Eve replied that updates were planned for the company’s Eve Room, an air quality sensor focussed on VOCs, and Eve Smoke, a (you guessed it) smoke detector.

The reply was very vague on the specifics but does state that both devices will be getting the Thread, but if there’s one thing for certain, it’s the Eve are on a roll when it comes to being at the forefront of Thread releases, and the updates mentioned at the start of the article are arriving just as the company promised. One thing to note is that in the Twitter conversation, Eve do state that the Eve Smoke would be for Europe only, with no current plans to make it available in the US.

The Eve Smoke, currently in its first iteration,  is one device that’s ripe for an update, given that it only uses Bluetooth. It would seem that it’s not even listed on the company’s main site, and it’s not listed in their store page unless you do a Google search.

Eve Room, currently in its second iteration, is similar to the Eve Weather, with an E-ink display, and a square, black plastic and aluminium case. As with almost all of Eve’s devices, this uses Bluetooth, and even though Thread would be welcome, with the Eve Room focussing on VOCs (volatile Organic Compounds) temperature, and humidity, a device like this is less reliant on lightning-fast reaction times, which is one of the main talking points with thread when compared to Bluetooth.

It remains to be seen what other updates Eve have in store for us in 2021 and beyond, but it’s all getting quite exciting nonetheless.

Credit to Dennis Hofman for spotting the Eve reply.